Here is a simple guide to get started on Raspberry Pi Camera with just though ssh. Access through ssh ssh pi@<Pi's IP> Install $ sudo apt-get install python-picamera $ sudo apt-get install python3-picamera Enable Camera $ sudo raspi-config Interfacing options -> Camera -> Enable Create the Python script: $ touch $ nano paste one of the following: Camera sample code from picamera import PiCamera from time import sleep camera = PiCamera ( ) camera . start_preview ( ) sleep ( 10 ) camera . stop_preview ( ) Video Sample code camera . start_preview ( ) camera . start_recording ( '/home/pi/video.h264' ) sleep ( 10 ) camera . stop_recording ( ) camera . stop_preview ( ) $ python Copy the file over to host $ scp <video or image file> <host user name>@<hosts's IP>:<host destination folder> The video file can be played through VLC.
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