Here's how to set a custom display resolution on linux. This guide has been tested on Linux Mint 22 It is a trying to set a display resolution of 1352x878 This also changes the display resolution of a the native display of the laptop ( eDP-1) $ cvt 1352 878 grab the return string Modeline "1352x878_60.00" 97.50 1352 1432 1568 1784 878 881 891 912 -hsync +vsync $ xrandr --newmode "1352x878_60.00" 97.50 1352 1432 1568 1784 878 881 891 912 -hsync +vsync $ xrandr --addmode eDP-1 "1352x878_60.00" $ xrandr --output eDP-1 --mode "1352x878_60.00" Enjoy!
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